METRO: La Brea Decking Construction Notice: Wilshire/La Brea – Phase 1


The Metro Purple Line Subway Extension project will be conducting 22 weekends of full closures of Wilshire Blvd, between Detroit St and Highland Ave, for deck panel installation beginning in June.  Lane reductions start at 10am with full closures beginning at 8pm Friday evenings until 6am Monday mornings. Expect major delays in the area. Businesses will be open during construction.

For more information on detours and closures visit

For the current Wilshire/La Brea Decking notices: 

For Daily Closures: 

Bureau of Street Services to do Summer street repairs – submit your trouble spots

The Bureau of Street Services (BSS) is kicking off the Summer by helping us fix our streets! BSS is conducting a “Neighborhood Council Initiative” to identify and perform small repairs on our needy neighborhood streets. On June 22, 2016, a Small Asphalt Repair truck is scheduled to be in the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council area to perform repairs to the roadway, curbs, and sidewalks, weather permitting.

The GWNC’s Transportation Committee will be coordinating submissions to the BSS. The repairs will be limited to 15 addresses, so it’s important to prioritize our trouble spots. Please help by sending photos, addresses and information about the spots most in need of repair to the GWNC’s Transportation Committee at

Committee representatives will collect the information and send it to the BSS staff, so they can inspect the desired streets and determine the need for repairs and feasibility of completing the work on the scheduled date. Please submit all nominations by Friday, June 10, 2016.

Thank you,
Julie Stromberg
Chair, Transportation Committee
Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council

Camp HOT – Boys Basketball Camp

Camp HOT (Hard-Work Over Talent) is a 1-week basketball camp being offered by GWNC resident Justin Maidenberg. Justin coaches at the middle school and high school levels. In his third season as a Coach at Pan Pacific Recreation Center for Summer Basketball, he decided to open a basketball camp for kids in the Los Angeles community to learn about the game, make friends, and have fun.

WHO: Boys Basketball 11-14 years old
WHERE: Pan Pacific Park, 7600 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036
WHEN: June 20, 2016 – June 24, 2016
TIME: 9:00am – 3:00pm
COST: $350 (Note: The camp cost is non-refundable even upon cancellation)


  • Ball-Handling
  • Rebounding
  • Passing
  • Shooting
  • Offensive Sets and Principles
  • Defensive Schemes and Principles
  • Scrimmages


  • Guest speakers
  • Camp shirt
  • Reversible jersey
  • Tote Bag
  • Various prizes offered in certain competitions


Registration opens on May 13th and closes on June 4th, 2016.
To register, please visit their website

GWNC Sustainability Committee First Annual Sustainable Garden Tour

The Los Angeles Basin will continue to experience drought and higher temperatures for the foreseeable future.  In response, many people are removing water intensive turf in favor of drought tolerant landscapes.  In order to help provide inspiration for those thinking of making changes, The Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council Sustainability Committee is pleased to announce its first Annual Sustainable Garden Tour.  The tour will be free and take place on Sunday, June 26, 2016, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and will also include educational seminars. 

We are soliciting nominations for gardens to be included on the tour. Self-nominations are acceptable.  The gardens can be homeowner designed or professionally designed, but should meet the following criteria:

I. Location
Within the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council comprised of Brookside, Citrus Square, Country Club Heights, Fremont Place, Hancock Park, La Brea Hancock, Larchmont Village, Melrose, Oakwood-Maplewood-St. Andrews, Ridgewood-Wilton-St. Andrews Square, Sycamore Square, Western-Wilton, Wilshire Park, Windsor Square, and Windsor Village.

II. Size
Small and intimate or large
Front yard only, back yard only, or both

III.  Irrigation
Primarily drip irrigation

IV. Plants
Drought tolerant plant palette drawing upon plants from South Africa, Australia, the Mediterranean, and California natives.
Garden turf not to exceed 50%.
Use of mulch to retain moisture.

V. (Optional) Water Capture:
Use of rain barrels, cisterns, bioswales, etc.

VI. (Optional) Pollinator Plants:
Attracts birds, bees, and butterflies.

 Nomination Procedure:

Nominate your yard, your neighbor’s yard, or a  sustainable landscape in the Greater Wilshire area that you admire! 

Please send your application(s) to by May 20, 2016.

Please include the following information:

Name; Address; Email; Phone; One paragraph narrative description and 2-3 photos.

For questions, please email