FilmLA is the official film office of the Greater Los Angeles Region.
For Communities with filming in their area, FilmLA offers the following resources:
Visit the FilmLA Communities page on the web:
- 24 Hour Assistance: Help with filming in your neighborhood is a phone call away. FilmL.A. is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and the on-call line is available 24/7 including holidays and weekends.
- Phone: (213) 977-8600 (After-hours: Press 2)
- Email:
- LAPD Film Unit
- Officer Richard Priest
Contract Service Center
100 West First Street 4th floor
Los Angeles CA 90015
- Officer Richard Priest
- Neighborhood Film Liaisons: Residents of the following neighborhoods can contact their FilmLA liaison directly.
- CountryClubPark: Mark Hadley (310) 251-9555 - Windsor Square: Katie Badami (213) 494-1632 or
- CountryClubPark: Mark Hadley (310) 251-9555