- What is a soft story building?
- What is the threat during a catastrophic earthquake?
- Is my building on “the list”? Is there a deadline?
- Will I have to move?
- What is the cost to landlords? To tenants?
A town hall forum for tenants and landlords about required seismic retrofitting in our area.
Hear from a seismic engineer, an apartment manager, and a tenant advocate at this FREE event.
Let’s all work together to reduce our risk!
6:30 – 7:30pm
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Wilshire Ebell – Dining Room
743 S. Lucerne Blvd., Los Angeles 90005
Free parking (follow the signs).
Resource List:
Determine if your building is on the list: https://www.ladbsservices2.lacity.org/OnlineServices/?service=plr
LADBS Soft-story Retrofit Program: http://ladbs.org/services/core-services/plan-check-permit/plan-check-permit-special-assistance/mandatory-retrofit-programs/soft-story-retrofit-program
HCIDLA Tenant Habitability Program: https://hcidla.lacity.org/tenant-habitability-program
LA Seismic Retrofit Program: Property Owner’s Guide [PDF]: http://ladbs.org/docs/default-source/publications/misc-publications/la-seismic-retrofit-program-property-owner-guide.pdf?sfvrsn=10
LA Soft-story Retrofit Program: Tenant Habitability Plan and Cost Recovery Guide [PDF]: http://ladbs.org/docs/default-source/publications/misc-publications/la-soft-story-retrofit-program-tenant-habitability-guide.pdf?sfvrsn=4