Resilient Landscape Design for Residential Parkways Presentation

during a look at how different homeowners have gardened in the strip of ground between the sidewalk and the street, Tuesday in Venice, May 09, 2006. We're showing different ways readers can approach this difficult spot of ground with its particular challenges -- watering, opening doors, etc.

Environmental & Sustainability Committee Special Presentation

Join us this Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. when Mike Meador, CEO of California Greenworks, Inc. will discuss sustainable landscape design for residential parkways emphasizing the use of drought-tolerant plants and stormwater capture systems. Mr. Meador will also discuss the importance of enhancing Los Angeles’ urban forest and the planting of parkway trees to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance home energy savings.

When: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Youth Chapel Room
Wilshire United Methodist Church
4350 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90005

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Calling Volunteers to Beautify Western Avenue!

great-streetsLocated at the northern end of Koreatown and the southern end of East Hollywood, Wilshire Center and St. Andrews Square, Western Avenue serves its community with mom-and-pop restaurants, personal services, furniture stores, and home-oriented shops. Great Streets seeks to improve the streetscape on Western, creating a more pleasant experience for pedestrians. In partnership with the community, we will help this corridor realize its full potential as a thriving commercial and community center that can bring together its many diverse and active neighborhoods. Join us for a great day to beautify Western Avenue!

Who:    Mayor Eric Garcetti, Councilmember David Ryu & Arts Nonprofit Beautify Earth

What:   To paint murals, pick up litter & prune street landscaping 

When:  Saturday, June 11, 8:30 am

Where: Intersection of Melrose & Western Avenue, Koreatown 

RSVP at or 213-922-9766 or

METRO: La Brea Decking Construction Notice: Wilshire/La Brea – Phase 1


The Metro Purple Line Subway Extension project will be conducting 22 weekends of full closures of Wilshire Blvd, between Detroit St and Highland Ave, for deck panel installation beginning in June.  Lane reductions start at 10am with full closures beginning at 8pm Friday evenings until 6am Monday mornings. Expect major delays in the area. Businesses will be open during construction.

For more information on detours and closures visit

For the current Wilshire/La Brea Decking notices: 

For Daily Closures: 

Bureau of Street Services to do Summer street repairs – submit your trouble spots

The Bureau of Street Services (BSS) is kicking off the Summer by helping us fix our streets! BSS is conducting a “Neighborhood Council Initiative” to identify and perform small repairs on our needy neighborhood streets. On June 22, 2016, a Small Asphalt Repair truck is scheduled to be in the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council area to perform repairs to the roadway, curbs, and sidewalks, weather permitting.

The GWNC’s Transportation Committee will be coordinating submissions to the BSS. The repairs will be limited to 15 addresses, so it’s important to prioritize our trouble spots. Please help by sending photos, addresses and information about the spots most in need of repair to the GWNC’s Transportation Committee at

Committee representatives will collect the information and send it to the BSS staff, so they can inspect the desired streets and determine the need for repairs and feasibility of completing the work on the scheduled date. Please submit all nominations by Friday, June 10, 2016.

Thank you,
Julie Stromberg
Chair, Transportation Committee
Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council