Committee members
Brian Curran – Committee Chair
Mark Alpers – Committee Secretary
Patricia Carroll
Rory Cunningham
Karen Gilman
John Gresham
Dick Herman
Daniela Prowizor-Lacayo
Jane Usher
Subject matter jurisdiction
All matters concerning the use of land in the GWNC or in an adjacent neighborhood council, including but not limited to land use: cases and projects (inclusive of their parking issues); protocols and procedures; and proposed or enacted City, State or other public agency ordinances, legislation, policies and regulations.
Guidelines and policies
Meeting time and location
Fourth Tuesday each month at 6:30 p.m.
Meets in person the first month of each quarter and virtually on other months. Please consult agenda as meeting schedules, links, and locations are subject to change.
In-person meetings: (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct)
Marlborough School, Board Room
250 S Rossmore Ave, Los Angeles 90004
Parking: use 3rd St entrance. Security will direct you. Bike rack available onsite.
Zoom meetings: (Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec)
Join by Zoom app:
Join by phone: dial (669) 900-6833 or (877) 853-5257 (toll-free), enter webinar ID 915 2786 9326, then press #.
Agendas are available on this page at least 72 hours before regular meetings and 24 hours before special meetings. Supporting documents will be made available at
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- 2020-06-23 Special Meeting
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